Our Counseling Team is built to both guide students through school toward their academic goals, and to provide mental and emotional support and guidance to anyone in need.
Office is currently staffed with an assistant principal, four counselors, a counseling secretary, and a registrar. The office provides a wide range of services throughout the year, including registration, academic advisement, college, career, personal counseling, record maintenance, testing, and more.
Need anything? Contact us today at (831) 429-3909
Refer someone (or yourself) for mental, social or emotional counseling help.
Not sure where to begin with College Planning?
Requesting a Transcript
Transcripts are free for current students to have the Registrar send an official transcript to a college or institution. The transcript request is outside the Registrar's door in the Counseling Office. Any donations to defray the cost of mailing the transcripts are GLADLY accepted.
Current students may also obtain free copies of their unofficial transcript by filling out the form located outside the Registrar's office.
Official transcripts can also be requested by sending a check to the school.
Soquel High School Registrar
401 Old San Jose Rd.
Soquel, CA 95073
Former students can receive two transcripts for free; each subsequent request is $5.00. Be sure to include the year of graduation or attendance, date of birth, maiden name or name while attending.
Any questions, contact the Soquel High School Registrar at 429-3909 x 49136.
Mental Health/Social-Emotional Counseling
Mockalee McDonald, LCSW (she/her)
Social Emotional Counselor
(831) 429-3909 x 49127
Our Social Emotional Counselor is here to support students’ mental health in order to help them thrive at school. High school can be an especially challenging time for youth as they are taking on more responsibilities and planning for their future lives. We are here to support students in managing the stress that can come with caring for their personal, social, and academic needs.
Students and parents/guardians can either contact their assigned Academic Counselor or our Social Emotional Counselor to make a referral. Once a referral is made, it typically takes 1-2 weeks for our Social Emotional Counselor to check in with the student. However, students are always welcome to drop-in as they need during the school day to meet with our Social Emotional Counselor.
Our Social Emotional Counselor is able to provide the following services based on the needs of students and families:
Short-Term Counseling
Drop-In Support for Students
Consultation for Parents and Guardians
Referrals to Community Mental Health Providers
If you have any questions about our counseling services, please contact our Social Emotional Counselor.
Consejería de Salud Mental / Socio-emocional
Nuestro Consejero de Salud Mental/Socio-emocional está aquí para apoyar la salud mental de los estudiantes para ayudarlos a prosperar en la escuela. La escuela secundaria puede ser un momento especialmente difícil para los jóvenes, ya que tienen más responsabilidades y están planeando para su futuro. Estamos aquí para ayudar a los estudiantes a manejar el estrés de cuidar de sus necesidades personales, sociales y académicas.
Los estudiantes y sus padres/guardianes pueden comunicarse con su Consejero Académico asignado o con nuestro Consejero de Salud Mental/Socio-emocional para hacer una referencia. Después de hacer la referencia, generalmente dura 1-2 semanas para que nuestro Consejero de Salud Mental/Socio-emocional se encuentre con el estudiante. Sin embargo, los estudiantes siempre son bienvenidos a visitar a nuestro Consejero de Salud Mental/Socio-emocional durante el día escolar, sin una referencia.
Nuestro Consejero de Salud Mental/Socio-emocional puede brindar los siguientes servicios según las necesidades de los estudiantes y las familias:
Consejería a corto plazo
Consejería sin cita previa
Consulta para padres y guardianes
Referencias a proveedores comunitarios de salud mental
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestros servicios de consejería, comuníquese con nuestro Consejero de Salud Mental/Socio-emocional.