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Math Course Descriptions



Grade: 9-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5

Repeat: No

Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: Algebra Readiness or teacher recommendation

Course Description: This course is designed to meet the California state requirement for Integrated Math 1.  It is the first of three mathematics courses required for college entrance. The course content includes: functions; algebra; geometry; statistics; probability; discrete mathematics; measurement; number; logic; and language. The course emphasizes mathematical reasoning, problem solving, and communication through integration of the various strands, connections with other subject areas and real-life applications, use of technology, and exploratory and group activities. The course emphasizes algebra.



Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5

Repeat: No

Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: Integrated Math 1 or teacher recommendation


Course Description: This course is designed to meet the California state requirement for Integrated Math 2.  It is the second of three mathematics courses required for college entrance. The course content expands upon the mathematical content and techniques of Integrated Mathematics Course I. In addition to further development of the strands with connections and applications, this course emphasizes unifying ideas such as mathematical modeling and argumentation, variation, algorithmic thinking, and multiple representations. The course emphasizes geometry.



Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: Integrated Math 2 or teacher recommendation


Course Description: This course is designed to meet the California state requirement for Integrated Math 3.  It is the third of three mathematics courses required for college entrance. The course content expands upon the mathematical content and techniques of Course II. Connections among the strands and unifying ideas continue with attention given to depth of understanding. Students successfully completing Course III are prepared for pre-calculus or alternative mathematics courses that emphasize real-world applications in the social sciences, or life and physical sciences. The course emphasizes advanced algebra and trigonometry.




Grade: 9-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: Algebra Readiness or teacher recommendation


Course Description: This course is designed to meet the California state requirement for Algebra 1. Its topics include operations of real numbers, equations and their applications, graphing, systems of equations, exponents and radicals, polynomials and factoring, quadratic functions and equations, rational expressions. Students must pass Algebra 1 (or its equivalent in Algebra 2) to graduate.



Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: "C" or better Algebra 1


Course Description: Geometry is designed for students who have completed Algebra I. The content includes undefined and defined terms, deductive reasoning versus inductive reasoning, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, parallel planes, component triangles, similar polygons, circles, arcs, angles, constructions, loci, coordinate geometry, areas and volumes of geometric figures, graphing, and basic right triangle trigonometry. Both proofs and practical applications will be studied with respect to the above topics.




Grade: 9-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: "B" or better in Algebra I. Freshmen must have an excellent score on the SHS placement test as well as a teacher recommendation and a satisfactory GPA.


Course Description: This course will study proofs and applications of angle relationships, perpendicular lines, parallel lines and planes, component triangles, similar polygons, constructions, loci, coordinate geometry, areas and volumes. Trigonometry and symbolic logic may also be introduced. Recommended for math and physical science majors.




Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: A "C" or better in Algebra and Geometry


Course Description: This course is designed for college-prep students who would like to continue their study in algebra but who do not intend to pursue a math or physical science major. Topics of study include systems of numbers, polynomials and rational expressions, linear equations and inequalities, coordinate geometry, relations and functions, quadratic functions, conic sections and trigonometry. Sequences and series may be included if time permits.




Grade: 9-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c
Prerequisite: Previous teacher recommendation. Freshmen must have an excellent score on the SHS Placement Test, a satisfactory GPA and a teacher recommendation.


Course Description: This course is open to freshman students with an exceptionally strong history of high math achievement who are also motivated to accelerate their math education. Topics will include systems of numbers, polynomials, rational expressions, linear equations and inequalities, coordinate geometry, relations and functions, quadratic functions, systems of sentences, real exponents, logarithmic functions, conic sections, sequences and series. May also include probability, statistics, trigonometry, matrices, determinants and vectors. Recommended for math and science majors. Much self-discipline is required in this course.




Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c, g
Prerequisite: "C" in Alg 2 or Intensive Alg 2 or previous teacher recommendation


Course Description: This course studies the advanced algebra topics necessary for calculus. The topics will include real and complex numbers, functions, graphs, polynomials, and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, conics, systems of equations, sequences and series, and an introduction to calculus.




Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c, g
Prerequisite: Previous teacher recommendation
Course Description: This is a very challenging, fast-paced course with major emphasis on an introduction to calculus.




Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c, g
Prerequisite: Pass both semesters of PreCalculus or Honor's PreCalculus


Course Description: AP Calculus is a university-level calculus course intended for those who may wish to continue to advanced work in mathematics, the sciences, engineering or business at the college level. The course content and expectations will conform to the Advanced Placement Calculus BC curriculum as described in the current College Board "acorn" book. These topics include: functions and graphs; derivatives (concept of derivative, techniques for finding derivatives, and application of derivative); integrals (interpretations applications of integrals, applications of integral, techniques of antidifferentiation); polynomial approximations and aeries. Students are expected to take the AP Calculus BC Exam in May




Grade: 10-12

Duration: Year

Credits: 5


Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS, for UC/CSU, c, g
Prerequisite: Algebra 2 with a grade of A or B both terms or consent of instructor


Course Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes:


  • Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns

  • Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study

  • Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation

  • Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses

The advanced placement statistics course curriculum will be covered in two high school semesters. Students who successfully complete the course and examination may receive credit and/or advanced placement for a one-semester introductory college statistics course.



Grade: 9-11

Duration: Year

Credits: 5

Repeat: No

Fulfills Requirements: Math for SHS
Prerequisite: None


Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for Algebra 1. Its topics include preliminary mathematical and arithmetic concepts and skills. Additionally, it introduces students to 3 Algebraic concepts that students will then build upon in Algebra 1.



If your student is struggling with his/her homework, check out It is a free resource for our students which shows the step-by-step process for solving math problems that have been assigned as homework. Contact your student’s math teacher for the password.


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