Get Involved!
At Soquel High, we open our doors to collaboration and partnership with families. There are a lot of ways to get involved, whether its cheering in the stands to taking leadership and sharing your ideas in one of our parent-led teams. We're here to do this with you!
School Site Council
This group of elected parents, staff, students, and administrators meets in October, December, February & April to review student achievement data, analyze our school improvement programs, and helps with overseeing our school budgets.
Contact Principal Julia Hodges
429-3909 x49123
The Soquel High Fund supports academic, art, & athletic programs at Soquel High. This group of parents, alumni, staff & community members works as a non-profit to ensure all our students enjoy the very best educational experience.
Contact President
Torey DelFavero
The Soquel Music Foundation (SoMu) is a group of parent volunteers that has been raising money for music at Soquel for the last 35 to help purchase music & instruments, provide study scholarships & uniforms.
Contact Band Leader Jim Stewart
429-3909 x49141
Bond Site Committee
This is a group of parents, staff & community members who provide input into the ongoing facilities work supported by Bonds passed by the community in 2016 and in 2022.
Contact Principal Julia Hodges
429-3909 x49123
ELAC is a group of parents & staff whose purpose is to provide support for LEP (Limited English Proficiency) students and their parents.
Contact Community Coordinator Mireya Gaona
(831) 429-3909 ex:49137