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Soquel Visual & Performing Arts

Through education in the Performing Arts, it is our hope that the student will develop professional skills, or will learn a means of recreation, pleasure, and worthy use of leisure time. The student will develop skills of reading and listening to music and learn to value music as a means of expression.


The student is provided an opportunity for performance, creative expression, and an understanding of the relationships existing between the performing arts and other areas of human endeavor. These classes would be a logical preparation for community and/or college Performing Arts programs and for performance careers.



























Course Descriptions



Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f, g
Prerequisite: Audition and/or consent of instructor; concurrent enrollment in band or other music class.
Course Description: Through individual and group instruction, students will practice, rehearse, listen to, and perform jazz in preparation for required performances. Music will be from a large variety of jazz literature.



Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: Basic reading skills on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument
Course Description: Through individual and group instruction, students will practice, rehearse and perform music in preparation for required performance at ball games and concerts. Music will be from a wide variety of marching, pep, and concert band literature.




Grade: 9-12


Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS
Prerequisite: An interest in learning and/or improving one's musical skills on an instrument
Course Description: Through Individualized instruction, this course fills the needs of those students who have not mastered their performing instruments well enough to perform with the band or orchestra. All performance and rehearsal techniques that lead to eventual participation in the band or orchestra are stressed. An essential component of this course is study in the computerized piano lab.​




Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: Interest in singing
Course Description: A music course for the trained and untrained female vocal student. Each student will learn the basic theory of music, rhythmic notation, pitch symbols, and stylistic techniques. Students will learn the basics of proper singing techniques. Each student will learn, study and perform the various stylistic periods of music, which will be performed in three required public concerts.




Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: Interest in singing
Course Description: A music course for the trained and untrained male vocal student. Each student will learn the basic theory of music, rhythmic notation, pitch symbols, and stylistic techniques. Students will learn the basics of proper singing techniques. Each student will learn, study and perform a variety of vocal music including examples from the various stylistic periods of music, which will be performed in three required public concerts.​




Grade: 10-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f, g
Prerequisite: Instructor permission, audition
Course Description: Same content as Men's and Women's Chorus with a higher level of proficiency and commitment expected. The Concert Choir also emphasizes performance in concerts, programs for community organizations, honor groups, festivals and solo performances. Performance participation is required.




Grade: 10-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f, g
Prerequisite: Instructor permission, audition
Course Description: The Jazz Singers is a class for the advanced vocal student. This class emphasizes performance in concerts, programs for community organizations, festivals, and solo performance. The extended rehearsal and performance hours allow a student to earn 7 credits.​




Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS
Prerequisite: Desire to learn guitar. Have own instrument.
Course Description: First semester - this course is designed for the student with little or no previous training on the guitar.Student will develop facility in forming chords and strumming rhythm patterns, and will develop the ear. The overall content will stress proper playing (classical) technique and basic reading skill. Second semester - this course offers a continuation of skills offered in beginning guitar. Students will continue their development on an individualized basis to include scales, extended chord forms, musical form, improvisation and composition.




Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS
Prerequisite: Desire to learn about music through computer technology
Course Description: The course introduces students to the study of audio and audio recording. Areas of instruction include: introduction to sequencing and MIDI applications, sampling and looping, sound design, recording engineering, digital signal processing, and the history of the recording arts.​




Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS
Prerequisite: An interest in learning and/or improving piano skills
Course Description: Through individual and group instruction, this course fills the needs of beginning to advanced students. Students will develop facility in scales, chords, music fundamentals, improvisation, and sight-reading. An essential component of this course is study in the computerized piano lab.




Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: Open to students interested in Theatre. This two-semester course will focus on the basic elements of technical theatre and beginning acting. Students will have hands on experiences in make up, costume design, history of theatre, scenic and lighting design and other areas of technical theatre in the first semester. Second semester will involve monologue and dialogue work, trust and ensemble activities, theatre sports and improvisation, movement, stage combat, blocking, character development and dialogue exercises. All students may audition for or work with the extra-curricular main stage productions offered at Soquel High School. Field trip opportunities to see professional theatre will be available.​





Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f, g
Prerequisite: Previous enrollment and at least a C from Theatre Arts or with an audition and permission of the instructor

Course Description: Open to students in grades 11-12 who have successfully completed Theatre Arts with a "C" or higher, or by audition with permission of the instructor. This course will offer opportunities for a traveling children's show, college portfolio and/or monologue preparation for auditions, middle school performances, writing and directing in One Act Plays, and design opportunities. These students will develop more advanced techniques and in depth study in Theatre Arts. All students may audition for or work with the extra curricular main stage productions at Soquel High School. Field trip opportunities to see professional theatre will be offered.



Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts or Applied Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: By audition or with permission of the director/instructor of the main stage extra curricular production

Course Description: Students enrolled in this course will be involved in preparation and performance of a main stage performance in technical theatre, acting, choreography, or orchestration. Rehearsals take place after school from 3-5 p.m. as indicated by the production schedule. Students are responsible for all aspects of the production and performances for which he/she is responsible. Students may receive Applied Arts credit (with 75 semester hours) or Fine Arts credit. Applied Arts hours must be documented, approved, and signed off by the instructor.​




Grade: 9-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: None
Course Description: Art 1 is a year-long art course starting with the Soquel Drawing Academy. Students will use a variety of techniques (i.e. observational drawing) to improve their drawing skills. Students will learn to mix colors and refine their painting skills while creating unique, meaningful works of art. Students will also be introduced to a variety of other mediums, which may include printmaking, mask-making, metalwork, collage, as well as painting and drawing. The course includes instruction in art criticism, and aesthetics. A lab fee is required.



Grade: 10-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f, g
Prerequisite: "C" or better in Art 1, or teacher approval (based on review of your portfolio)
Course Description: Students will continue to build upon the foundations of drawing and painting covered in Art 1. Students will be exposed to art styles and history from a variety of cultures. This course includes research projects and regular class critiques, as well as writing about art. Students will be asked to pick their own reference as inspiration for their artwork. A lab fee may be required.​



CERAMICS 1 and 2

Grade: 9-12 (10-12 for Ceramics 2)

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: Ceramics 1, none; Ceramics 2, "C" or better in Ceramics 1, or teacher permission
Course Description: Ceramics 1: In this class you will explore clay as a medium for creating sculpture and pottery. The course will stress various hand building techniques, glaze application and creative problem-solving skills. During the second semester, you will refine techniques with an emphasis on the use of the pottery wheel and the kiln firing process.
Ceramics 2: In this class, the principles of form, shape, design, and texture will be studied with an emphasis on the exploration of your individuality through creative expression.



Grade: 11-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; approval by Assistant Principal before work begins.
Course Description: Student must demonstrate the following to be allowed into this program: basic knowledge of visual art including color-theory and design as well as ability in a variety of mediums. In addition, the student must be self-directed and have a proposal for focus of artwork. If the student is unknown to the instructor, an artist’s portfolio should be presented to instructor. The course will include art history, aesthetics and art criticism. This course does not count towards a student’s full-time status.



Grade: 11-12

Credits: 5

Fulfills Requirements: Fine Arts for SHS; for UC/CSU, f, g

Prerequisite: One year of high school art or ceramics or instructor's permission; completion or concurrent enrollment in Art 1 or Ceramics 1


Course Description: Students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of design principles as they relate to the integration of depth and space, volume and surface. The principles of design (unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, and occupied/unoccupied space) can be articulated through the visual elements (mass, volume, color/light, form, plane, line, texture).  For 3-D design (for students enrolled in Ceramics), students are asked to demonstrate mastery of 3-D design through any three-dimensional approach, including, but not limited to, figurative or nonfigurative sculpture, architectural models, metal work, ceramics, glass work, installation, assemblage and 3-D fabric/fiber arts. There is no preferred (or unacceptable) style or content.

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401 Old San Jose Rd.

Soquel, CA 95073

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